About The District


The Woodlands Road Utility District No. 1 (the “District”) is a road utility district created by the Texas Legislature in 1991, and operates according to the state Transportation Code and the Texas Constitution.

The District’s primary functions are to acquire, construct and improve roads and related drainage works inside or outside of its boundaries, and to convey such completed projects (free and clear of the District’s indebtedness) to appropriate governmental entities (Montgomery County and the City of Shenandoah, Texas), who then own and maintain such facilities.

The District’s road and related drainage facilities are designed in accordance with accepted engineering practices and the specifications and requirements of the Texas Transportation Commission, Montgomery County, the City of Houston and the City of Shenandoah, as applicable.

District projects are competitively bid in accordance with the requirements set forth in the Texas Transportation Code and are awarded at public Board meetings held in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.

Over the course of its history, the District has participated in the construction of over $115 million in improvements for the community, which includes over $30 million in funds leveraged from federal, state and other local sources. The District has invested over $83 million of this total cost since its inception. A few examples of roadway projects completed by the District over the past 25 years include the construction/expansion/extension of Woodlands Parkway, Lake Woodlands Drive, Research Forest Drive, Gosling Road, Grogan’s Mill Road, Six Pines Drive and Lake Robbins Drive.

Owners of property located within the District pay taxes to fund the District’s road projects and retire the District’s debt. Virtually all of the property within the District is commercial property. Click here to see a map of the District.